When it comes to increased cash flow, today’s chiropractors must wrestle with everything from third-party systems to mangled care issues. Nevertheless, simple modifications to your practice can have a massive impact for ramping up revenues. One of the most effective modifications you can make is the addition of innovative value-added services like the NeuropaCalm Care Program. Chiropractic Marketing Strategies: Selling the IntangibleEffective chiropractic marketing starts with understanding what you’re ultimately selling to your patients. When it’s all said and done, chiropractors sell the intangible. What do we mean by the intangible? Value, benefits, and your brand. Your brand includes an emphasis on your caring attitude, abilities, talents, and unique knowledge. Ultimately, you convince patients to invest in their future with the hopes of maintaining the ability to work, participate in hobbies, and sports longer. Perhaps Dr. Joseph Janse of the National College of Chiropractic said it best: “If all you do as chiropractors is make it so patients don’t have to live on drugs for pain, you’ll add ten years to the average lifespan.” Nowhere does this logic hold truer than with patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy. Helping Patients With Peripheral NeuropathyPeripheral neuropathy is a debilitating and painful condition that impacts millions of Americans each year. It impacts every aspect of daily life, from getting restful sleep to driving and living independently. This diagnosis is devastating not only for the patient but also those tasked with caring for them. Not so long ago, treating peripheral neuropathy came with few options. Patients popped pills, trying to dull the symptoms. Sadly, many individuals deteriorated to the point of needing amputations. But new advancements are revolutionizing how this condition and its symptoms are managed. These advancements have the very real potential of keeping patients off pain medications into the foreseeable future. Moreover, they can help sufferers avoid amputations and the side effects and risks accompanying such procedures. The Value-Added Service Your Practice NeedsManaging peripheral neuropathy is an excellent way to add value to your practice while reaching a significant segment of the population in desperate need of medical intervention. It’s also an excellent strategy when it comes to marketing for chiropractors. Where to start? We’ve got you covered!
We’re here to help your practice implement and operationalize the NeuropaCalm Care Program. This program provides everything you need for effective symptomatic relief. Contact us today to discuss how to bring this program to your clinic.
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January 2025